Dowd Neighborhood Park Improvements
Location: Charlotte, NC - Mecklenburg Park & RecreationLandworks Design Group partnered with Mecklenburg County Park
& Recreation to enhance the community surrounding this ±0.75 acre neighborhood park through providing site design services. Public input gathering on the master plan was accomplished through working with the County team. The improvements include park entrances, concrete walkways, play structures, fitness equipment, site furnishings, water service, a shelter-ready picnic area, and an event lawn.
Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation hired Landworks to assist in Master Planning Druid Hills Neighborhood Park.
Landworks took information from neighborhood surveys & conducted neighborhood meetings to gather input from stakeholders on desired park elements, as well as “hot button issues” relevant to the overall park master plan.
The master plan included closing an existing street that bisects the park property & includes new features such as a walking/running trail, amphitheater, & art installation.
Professional services provided: Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering services included master planning, schematic design, utility design, construction document preparation and permitting, bidding assistance, and construction administration services.